Fawkes Family Olympic Journey

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fawkes' Ziptrek!

Victoria and I did the Ziptrek on Sunday. We got up at 5:30am and Heather drove us downtown and dropped us off (yes, I know, crazy but where else can you do this once in a lifetime). We got there at 6am and joined in line. Our estimated wait time was 5 hours. It was a beautiful morning, not too cold and coffee from Starbucks kept us going. Here we are after 5 hours at the start of the lineup to get to the waiver forms / harness.

Here's our video from bottom of the tower walking up to the end of the journey, click here. What an awesome experience. The scariest part is walking up the tower stairs, anticipating the ride. Cost of time waiting: 5 hours - - cost of lifetime experience: priceless.

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