Fawkes Family Olympic Journey

Monday, February 1, 2010

Olympic Web Linking Policy and Domain Names

I was looking at the Olympic 2010 site and I'm wondering if I'm violating the web linking policy and the "borrowing of images. I probably am and if Google/Blogger ask me to remove or "gulp" VANOC finds out then I'll remove their images and links.

Also, some asked my about the web addresses and where they came from. You can link to this blog from www.mywhistlerolympics.com and www.myvancouverolympics.com. Around five years ago I got the bright idea to register these with a domain provider and just sat on them. Vancouver had not won the Olympic bid but were contenders so it was a cheap investment. The bright idea turned not so bright when VANOC came down on those trying to profit on the Olympic logos, therefore, I could not sell them, nor transfer them. So, next best thing, start a blog!


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